Monday, October 19, 2009

Travels tales of one tired ole woman

I have been trying to find the time to write my thoughts down but there just doesn't seem to be any. Over the last month I have traveled so much that I honestly can't remember where I have been. I have to look at my schedule to jog the old memory. I hope you can follow my rough timeline that follows and spans over a week and a half.

For example, Harold picked me up at the airport after my three day trip to Mississippi to speak at a law enforcement conference on a Wednesday. The next day I drove five hours to Myrtle Beach and stayed there until Monday. I started for home around 7:30 a.m. so I would have time to catch up on my work before Harold and I left on Wednesday to go to Freemont, Ohio.

Now keep in mind that I didn’t know until the night before I left that we were going to Ohio. I thought we were going to meet in the Kentucky office of the man we met with to discuss a project for When I did the Mapquest directions (I do this just in case Ms.Garmin gets lost) Tuesday night I realized for the first time where we were going!

Geeezzzz what a long trip! We left here around 7:30 a.m., took my mother-in-law (who has dementia) to the adult day care and off we drove to what seemed like the end of the world. Twelve rainy hours later we checked into our hotel room which was just a few miles away from Lake Erie! Thank goodness for cell phones and GPS. Between the two we found our destination without getting lost and I was able to book a motel room as we arrived in the area.

The next morning we had the meeting on behalf of that lasted from 9-12:30. By one o’clock we were on our way back to North Carolina. The fall colors would have been pretty if we had not been in rain coming and going. We arrived around 12:30 a.m. Friday at our home in Shelby.

My son, who was home on fall break and a friend were sitting in the den playing Wii. Even though it was late and even though all I wanted to do was drop in my bed, I stayed up until 1:30 learning how to play some of the games.

Later that day, Friday I went to Clemson, SC to the Clinton Anderson Walk About Tour. Since the clinic started so early I spent the night before in a hotel in Clemson. Harold could not believe it when he called me at 10:00 p.m. and I was already in bed asleep! I actually went to the clinic to pick up a donation from Clinton for our auction in November. I was happy to scarf up a little down time to watch him work his magic with the horses.

It was not all down time though. I lost my car keys for a while but some kind soul found them and it was later announced over the loud speaker for the owner to “come ID their keys.” Since I am all about putting identification on anything that is important, my keys have my name, cell phone and a picture of myself and Harold with Idaho. Needless to say it was easy to claim my keys. I wish it was that easy for everyone to claim their missing horses.

I was perplexed as to why the finder didn’t just call the phone number on the ID tag though. I would have answered my cell right away and would have had a locksmith on the way to the event to open my car so that I could check to see if they had fallen between the seats or were covered up by something.

I had a nice day at the event. I was home on Saturday by 6:00 p.m., went to dinner with Harold and some friends, talked business again and came home to practice my Wii tennis game.

Living with two men it is rare that I have the opportunity to win anything when it comes to playing any game. Both are very competitive fellows. I played tennis on my college team so I just knew that I would be able to rough up my son a little in the game. And guess what, I didn’t even have to run on the court! My Wii “little me” did all the running for me! How great was that?

I thought I was doing great playing the Wii machine until I played my son at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Why that early? Well, it seemed that while he was on fall break that when he was here I was there, and when he was there I was here, wherever here and there were at the time.

He was about to leave to go to Asheboro, NC to play golf for the day before he went back to college. If I didn’t get up and play him then, I would not have a chance to prove that I could beat him! Maybe I am a little competitive too, at least in my own mind anyway.

And me as a great player really was in my own mind! Balls were flying past me! Zoom to my right! Zoom to my left! My “little me” couldn’t run fast enough to get to the balls he shot back into my court. He beat me in game after game after game. The two games out of 30 that I did win were cause for great celebration for me! I was sad to see him leave. I spent so little time with him on his four day break. At least we grabbed a little one on one fun time before he left.

It was 6:30 a.m. by that time. I could have gone back to bed which I am sure would be what most folks would do. Not me. I sat down and pushed the on buttons on the two computers on my desk. Yes, you read right. I work on two computers each day with

To those few that are here listening…thanks for being here and listening to the ramblings of an tired ole woman. It is now 1:51 a.m and I have just finished up my work for the day and this blog entry. I hope it helps you understand more about the “days in the life” of the person who runs

Now I am going to bed. I promise. :-)


Rhonda Hare said...

Although rushed, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your son. Take care dear friend!!

Seen the Light said...

Hi Debi!
I was amazed to find out what a small world we live in when you said you went to Freemont, Ohio, actually spelled Fremont. I was born in that little place and most of my family still lives close to Fremont. If I would have known I would have had you put up at my aunt's guest house by the lake!! You must have been exhausted as you really traveled a long way..
Keep up the great work, I am forwarding your alerts to all my horse friends..