Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How did I get so lucky?

My day started early again. I set my cell phone last night to wake me at 6:30 a.m. although I highly suspected I would wake before that dreaded alarm. I hate the sound of any alarm other than the radio or the TV. Perhaps that is why I always wake up before one goes off? Hmmm....

Anyway, I did wake up at 6:06, stumbled to the bathroom and a short time later dropped back in bed. Once there thoughts of all the things I had to do before taking Harold to the ambulatory clinic raced in my head. Not being able to lay there any longer I threw back the covers, jumped out of bed, grabbed my housecoat to ward off the early morning chill in the house and wobbled to the computer in the den.

Does anyone else here wobble in the morning? I have found that the older I get the harder it is to get the body moving in a fluid motion once it has been sedimentary for a while. It doesn’t matter if I am getting out of bed or out of a chair. Things just don’t work like they use to. After a few minutes my steps return to their normal day-to-day rhythm, at least until I sit down again.

Mornings are my best time of the day. No one is up. The TV is off. The house is silent. I turn on the computers and listen to the hum of their motors as they boot to life. While they wake up I head to the kitchen, pull a glass out of the cabinet as I head to the refrigerator. I fill the glass full of crushed ice with one hand while opening the refrigerator door with the other and reach for the Diet Coke. I then walk back to the computers and start my day working for Stolen Horse International.

An hour or so will pass before I hear Harold stirring in the bedroom. His routine has become part of my routine. At some time after he walks into the kitchen he will emerge shortly thereafter with a piece of cheese toast on a paper towel, laying it carefully beside my right hand that is most likely glued to a mouse on my desk. There have been times when I was so busy that I forgot my morning drink. I know when he notices the absence of a glass on the desk that soon after he will arrive with a Diet Coke and toast (and on some days ceral). Many times I will not even stop or miss a beat at the keyboard but I always make a point to say thank you and give him a little kiss.

My routine is the same almost every morning, except this one. Today was a big day for Harold. Today he had cataract surgery on his right eye. We know cataract surgery is a piece of cake these days. It is an in and out procedure taking less than 20 minutes from the time you start rolling into the operating room to the time you are wheeled out. But for Harold, today meant he could come out seeing less than he did before surgery because of possible complications from a condition he has called Nukes Dystrophy (not sure of the spelling).

I am happy to report that all went well with the procedure, at least as far as we can tell so far. He couldn’t see as good as the thought he should and by the end of the business day he had worked himself into a tizzy. At 4:45 he announced he needed to go to the Steve’s office (the doctor is a friend of ours) and have him check his eye. I had to explain to him that unless our car sprouted wings and had jet propulsion we were not going to make it to Steve’s office by five and that perhaps he should call.

Tonight after talking with Steve and with his fears calmed, he finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean he really did! Just a little while ago he announced that he could finally see me and make out my features, something he has not been able to do all day.

So, what did I accomplish today for Stolen Horse International?
1. I answered some emails and weeded out some others on my Blackberry while at the clinic. I talked to Angela.

2. I bid on for a low price motel for November where we have a booth at the Massachusetts Equine Affaire. I got a great rate of $49 at a 2 ½ star motel! It has taken 5 days to find that rate. If you ever bid on you know the drill and know why it took me that long.

3. I sent out request letters for auction items.

4. I twittered to my NetPosse tweets.

5. I posted an article to the NetPosse list groups after surfing through the many Google alerts in my email account.

6. I went to Lowes to see if I could find some kind of way to make a low cost display saddle pad rack for our booth at the Equine Affaire. We will have both english and western saddle pads at the event.

7. I talked to Angela again about our upcoming auction and how we are going to get all of the work done that needs to be done.

8. I answered more emails.

9. I paid a few SHI bills.

Actually I didn’t accomplish as much as I usually do but I hope I took care of what needed taking care of the most, Harold. I have spent the day making sure he had everything he needed. This is a man who brings me a drink and something to eat every morning as I work! This is a man who supports what I do and on most days is right here with me working in one way or another. How did I get so lucky?

We will be off to the doctor’s office early in the morning. Hopefully we will have a good report.

As for right now….we’re off to bed.

Guess I'll set the Blackberry to alarm again. Ugh!


1 comment:

Rhonda Hare said...

God has indeed blessed you!!